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Provide a list of keywords or search terms I can use to explore the ethical issues related to the use of artificial intelligence in health care.

Here is a list of keywords or search terms you can use to explore the ethical issues related to the use of artificial intelligence in healthcare:

  1. Artificial Intelligence in healthcare
  2. AI in medicine
  3. Ethical considerations in healthcare AI
  4. AI and patient privacy
  5. Bias in healthcare AI
  6. Transparency in AI algorithms
  7. Accountability in AI healthcare systems
  8. AI and data security in healthcare
  9. Informed consent in AI-driven healthcare
  10. AI and patient autonomy
  11. AI and medical decision-making
  12. Trustworthiness of AI in healthcare
  13. Fairness in healthcare AI
  14. AI and medical error
  15. Liability and legal issues in AI healthcare systems
  16. AI and resource allocation in healthcare
  17. Patient-centered care and AI
  18. Ethical implications of AI in clinical trials
  19. AI and healthcare disparities
  20. Human-AI collaboration in healthcare

These keywords should help you explore the ethical issues surrounding the use of artificial intelligence in healthcare.