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Create a sleep schedule for my 6 month old baby. My baby usually wakes around 6am and naps twice daily.

A 6 month old baby needs a lot of sleep, as it is a crucial time for their development. It is important to establish a regular sleep schedule to help them get the rest they need. Here is a sample sleep schedule for a 6 month old baby:

6:00 am: Wake up and start the day

9:00 am: Morning nap (1-2 hours)

12:00 pm: Lunchtime

1:00 pm: Afternoon nap (1-2 hours)

4:00 pm: Early evening awake time

6:00 pm: Dinner time

7:00 pm: Bath time and bedtime routine

8:00 pm: Asleep for the night

It's important to note that every baby is different, so this is just a general guideline. You may need to adjust the schedule based on your baby's individual needs and routine. Also, be sure to factor in time for play, tummy time, and other activities throughout the day.