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We all have bare-metal servres, VPS:es, containers and other things running. Some of them may be exposed openly to the internet, which is populated by autonomous malicious actors, and some may reside on a closed-off network since they contain sensitive data. And there is a lot of solutions to monitor your servers, since none of us want our resources to be part of a botnet, or mine bitcoins for APTs, or simply have confidential data fall into the wrong hands. Some of the tools I've looked at for this task are check_mk, netmonitor, monit: all of there monitor metrics such as CPU, RAM and network activity. Other tools such as Snort or Falco are designed to particularly detect suspicious activity. And there also are solutions that are hobbled together, like fail2ban actions together with pushover to get notified of intrusion attempts. So my question to you is - how do you monitor your servers and with what tools? I need some inspiration to know what tooling to settle on to be able that detect unwanted external activity on my resources.

When approaching the monitoring and security of servers and network resources, it's important to have both breadth and depth in your strategy. This isn't a one-size-fits-all situation; the correct tools will often depend on the specifics of your infrastructure, your team's expertise, and your compliance or regulatory needs. Here's an approach to considering how you might monitor your servers:

  1. Resource Monitoring:

    • Tools like Nagios, Zabbix, Prometheus, and Grafana offer robust solutions for monitoring server health, including CPU, memory, disk usage, and more.
    • If you're in a cloud environment, cloud provider-specific tools like AWS CloudWatch, Google Cloud Operations suite, or Azure Monitor can offer deep integrations.
  2. Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems (IDPS):

    • Network-based systems such as Snort or Suricata inspect network traffic for signs of intrusion.
    • Host-based systems like OSSEC, AIDE, or Tripwire monitor file integrity and detect unauthorized changes on the host.
  3. Log Management:

    • Comprehensive logging via tools like ELK Stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana) or Splunk helps in identifying and investigating suspicious activities.
    • For more cloud-centric log solutions, consider services like Datadog or Loggly.
  4. Behavior Analysis:

    • Falco is an example of a tool that can monitor the behavior of your running applications to detect anomalous activity.
    • Sysdig Secure is another tool that uses deep system-level monitoring for insight into your workloads.
  5. Vulnerability and Patch Management:

    • Tools like Nessus, OpenVAS, or Qualys can be used to regularly scan your systems for vulnerabilities.
    • Automating patch management is essential. Tools like Red Hat Satellite, WSUS for Windows environments, or automated pipelines in Ansible, Puppet, or Chef can help.
  6. Access Controls:

    • Ensure that all access to your systems is controlled and logged with Identity and Access Management (IAM) solutions.
    • Use Multi-Factor Authentication where necessary.
  7. System Hardening:

    • Follow the best practices for hardening your servers using guides like the CIS Benchmarks.
    • Consider automated configuration management tools to maintain the desired state of your servers.
  8. Automated Response:

    • For defensive actions, Fail2Ban can ban IP addresses that demonstrate suspicious login patterns.
    • Once an intrusion is detected, automated response tools can help to quickly isolate affected systems.
  9. Notification:

    • Use alerting services like Opsgenie, PagerDuty, or setup custom alerting through tools like Prometheus with Alertmanager.
    • Pushover, as you mentioned, can also be useful for personal or smaller scale alerting.
  10. Cloud-native Solutions:

    • Many cloud providers offer their security and compliance toolsets, such as AWS security tools, Azure security features, Google Cloud security command center, etc.

In the end, you'll likely use a combination of these tools. It requires continuous evaluation as new threats emerge and your infrastructure evolves. Always consider adding layers of security: what one tool might miss, another may catch. Regular reviews, audits, and penetration testing will also help ensure that your security posture is effective. On top of that, ensure your team is well trained on security best practices and incident response protocols.

Lastly, don't forget the human aspect — no matter how many tools you have in place, it's crucial to have educated and vigilant team members who can recognize threats and respond promptly.